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The birth chart is like a musical score that inspires us to creatively participate with the Cosmos in our unique way. In an astrology reading you can expect to find:


  • A higher perspective into your LIFE PURPOSE, understanding how your challenges can become your medicine for yourself and for the world.

  • A deeper understanding into your RELATIONSHIPS, how the inner masculine and feminine work within you so you can have more conscious relations with other people, not matter the gender.

  • A look into the FUTURE for GUIDANCE in order to align with the cycles of time, understanding the upcoming transits to better work with the energetic currents of the Cosmos. 

  • A higher perspective to see any of YOUR CURRENT CONCERNS regarding any topics where you are feeling lost at the moment or you are needing extra insights.

  • Diving into the depth of our birth charts helps us to remember the SONG OF OUR SOULS and our own unique path, giving us the instruments and the timings to tune into this personal song so we can start dancing our lives in synchrony with the music of the spheres. As Plotinus said “Everything breathes together”, therefore, the more aware we are of our own personal rhythm, the more we are able to cocreate with the energies of the times because we inspire them as much as they inspire us in the web of life. 



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Diving to remember who we are


Astrology is the core of Almakhemy because it gives us the means to dive into the depth of our beautifully unique souls to bring light to our unconscious patterns, to bring peace to our energetic paradoxes, our challenges and wounds, making us more aware of our own unique signature. It can inspire us to follow our sacred purpose, allowing the alchemical process of transformation to take place in the fertile soil of who we truly are, connecting the vastness of the sky, the depths of the oceans and our creative core so we can bring to the world the gifts that only us can give birth, answering our own calling with responsibility (response ability), with the ability to respond.



 Mar  has been exploring astrology for years and has been strongly involved in Shamanic Astrology (founded by Daniel Giomario), but also New Paradigm Astrology (Kaypacha), Evolutionary Astrology (Jeffrey Wolf), Archetypical Astrology (Richard Tarnas) and her personal connection with the night sky. Her aim is to facilitate the embodiment of astrological energies so it is not only perceive intellectually, but the participants can dance, smell, sing and connect with their chart in a experiential way, feeling it in their guts and allowing a more aware and participatory relation to their own energetic and archetypical signature, feeling the chart as a blueprint of their soul. She is an avid reader and writer, an explorer of the soul so her focus in any session is to tune into the seeker´s energy and potential to facilitate the understanding of his/her personal challenges, questions, concerns. 



She sees astrology as a prism to look into the depth of the person in front of her, intuitively also tuning into the energies of the person and what is ready to be transformed for the person’s growth, respecting the individuals timings. Finding also the language that can be understood by the person in front of her. She has Mercury (the planet of perception and communication) in Pisces (the sign of the mystic, the poet, the empath). Therefore, her words are intuitively tuned into the field of the seeker to facilitate the alchemical process that is ready to take place, the inner truth that can be revealed at the specific moment in time



 She is deeply engaged in exploring astrology for creativity, conscious relationships, soul growth and transformation. She is called to assist in the process of embodying the energies of the chart through herbology, songs, art, Tarot, symbology, shamanic journeys, mythology and dance to find wholeness within, to learn how to navigate in a constant  and dynamic dance of readjustment towards alignment.  


For personal readings in Bangkok and prices please contact


I took a session with Mar for my first astrological reading ever. I had no particular expectations and just went out of curiosity. I was stunned by how much Mar knows and by her passion for this practice. It was fascinating to see my life journey, my life plans and desires all laid out in front of me. I felt a profound sense of relief when I saw from the charts that I am exactly supposed to be who I am and do what I am doing, accepting my flaws and my strong inner callings. It was all written. Thank you very much, Mar, and I would recommend her sessions to anyone!


Lili, France

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I’ve been an enthusiast of astrology for a few years now. Even with a solid grasp of the basics, Mar really took my awareness of my natal chart to a whole new level. With a shamanic approach, and a deep knowledge of mythology, she really painted a picture for me which has helped me (even to this day) see my life in a new light. To give a proper analogy, our session felt more like a journey through dialogue then a passive reading. Mar is very enthusiastic and passionate, and our session was not hurried at all. It was a pleasure to be able to connect and learn from her!


Kyle, Minessota, USA

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Mar is a beautiful authentic soul who shares so openly her wisdom from the heart. In my astrological reading, she was spot on! Yet, there is a wisdom in her that traverses the astrology she recites. I felt she could see more deeply than only listening to the words that I was sharing. I am blessed for my path to have crossed hers!



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